Ecommerce Shipping and Fulfillment

If you inventory products for your ecommerce site finding a good solution for shipping and storing your products can always be challenging. Most warehouse the items yourself and spend lots of time “touching” your products. So what is “touching” and how does it cost you money? The typical scenario You bring in goods from overseas and they get off a boat and are trucked to your location. You (the receiver) unload and move them into a warehouse. Generally you will Read More

Ecommerce – The Importance of Having a Privacy Policy

A privacy policy, also known as an information management policy, is an agreement between a website operator and a website user that determines how the operator intends to use, collect, store, share, and protect the data that the user shares through interactions with the website. Even a little more than a decade ago, some commercial websites did not have privacy policies, but now, virtually all websites have one. These policies, which should be separate from the website’s terms of use Read More