Tips for Small E-Retailers Competing Against Ecommerce Giants

In today’s digital marketing age, more and more retail stores are building ecommerce websites. An ecommerce site enables any size retailer in any place of the world to have a global market reach. When promoted effectively, an ecommerce site can also offer immense cost-efficiency for customer acquisition and product sales. Parallel to the enormous growth in ecommerce, most industries and product sectors are being dominated by a few major ecommerce giants. These powerful players often have a prominent brand image Read More

7 Social Media Tips For Your ECommerce Website

Selling online has never been easier, and using social media marketing correctly can make it even simpler and more effective. 1. Create Valuable Content to Share So that you have something to share on social media, create content that adds value to your audience. For example, create infographics, case studies, blog posts, and more, all designed to showcase your products to your audience. 2. Start Strategic Groups for People Who May Want Your Products On Facebook, you can start a Read More