Over-Identification of Minority Children in Special Education – What Can Be Done?

Are you concerned about the amount of minority children that are being diagnosed with disabilities in your school district? Are you worried about the large numbers of African American boys receiving special education services? Are you concerned about your child who is in a minority group and being found eligible for special education! Much has been written in the past several years about the increased numbers of poor African-American children receiving special education services. This article will discuss this issue, Read More

Education Is a Change Maker

Literacy is like a magic spell which can remove the darkness of illiteracy. Education which is not only important for a community but also important for a nation. An educated society can enlighten others.Education demolish malice and superstition from the society. He who doesn’t have the flare of education suffers in the long run and face multifarious drawbacks. Education is a must for every human being because it let them out of the salvation of darkness. Besides,without proper and quality Read More