Watches – So How Did They Tell Time In Ancient Egypt Anyway?

Historically, the definition of watches referred to the division of the period between dusk and dawn or the time between sunset and sunrise. Watchmen replaced each other at each of these intervals and the sounding of gongs during the change of shifts was a means of keeping time. Quite often these watchmen were also placed on watch-towers to warn of the approaching of enemies. The use of the portable and stationary sundial was probably the earliest means of telling time. Read More

Sunset Land – Pyramids of Egypt

It is not for the weak souls to ascend the gateway that leads to the other world. Half bent and crawling, you have to make your way down and then pass through the passage ways that are so narrow that you will fear getting crushed. If you slip at any point there are no concrete stairs that will help you regain balance but the wooden boards will ensure that you foot gets stuck there forever with ‘time’ coming to deliver Read More