Egypt in Early Stages of Real Estate Boom

According to experts, Egypt is in the early stages of a real estate boom. Business Monitor International, research shows capital values and rents rising, but yields falling, indicating that prices are rising faster than rents. The body also said that commercial supply is increasing, but that this is only in response to years of underdevelopment, which is now presenting investors with great opportunities to build portfolios in the country. The rise in supply is, they say being met by rising Read More

My Tour of Lower Egypt

I was keen to go to Egypt because I had not been there and I felt I should go. There were may places I felt I should see. I had seen plenty of photographs of the pyramids and the sphinx, but so what? Arriving at my hotel in Giza, I was surprised to see the Great Pyramid less than a kilometre from the outer suburbs of “The Great Cairo”. I had expected to see an enormous desert around them – Read More