A Crash Course on Phrases to Get You by in Egypt

OK you've booked those cheap flights to Egypt, you've purchased the clothes and the neighbor's coming around to feed the fish and water the plants for a week. You've ticked everything off on your to do list, and now your holiday awaits! Great – but there is one thing that people tend to ignore during their holiday prep – having a go at the local language. so many people travel around the world and try to get by just on Read More

Top 10 Must-Do Things in Egypt

Egypt is a great tourist destination full of remarkable tourist attractions and millions of tourists come here each year to visit them. This is a friendly country offering wonderful weather in most periods of the year, as well as the Egypt hotels provide amazing opportunities for accommodations and numerous facilities for its many guests. There are so many possibilities for entertainment here – form practicing water sports to visiting the world famous Giza Pyramids and the Sphinx. There is a Read More