The Canopic Jars and Nubia Eggshell Jars: Receptacles For The Relics of The Dead in Ancient Egypt

Canopic jars are pottery vessels made by the ancient Egyptians used as containers in keeping the relics of the dead while the Nubia Eggshell Jars were used in storing relevant herbs that were used in the mummification or embalming processes of the dead. These pottery wares were made with strong ceramic material such as porcelain or kaolin (white clay). They were glazed and fired at extremely high temperatures in brick- made Kilns. Glazes which were sometimes colored were applied to Read More

Thoth The Egyptian God Of Writing

Throughout history, there has been a god who has appeared at different times – Thoth, the god of wisdom appeared in ancient Greece and the Greeks called him Hermes. The winged god has many attributions and even has been termed the originator of the wisdom in all religions. In this article we will look at Thoth further. In ancient Egypt stood a god called Thoth. He is attributed as the thrice greatest or the great – great. Further attributes to Read More