Facts About the Mandingo Tribe of West Africa

The Mandingo tribe of West Africa has descended from the Mali Empire. This empire flourished under the rule of King Sundiata Keita. Today, the Mandingo tribe is not only the most widespread tribe in Western Africa, it also the most dominant ethno linguistic group. The tribe has many sub tribes like the Mande, Dyula, Bozo and Bambara. According to historians, the tribe migrated into the heart of West Africa from the western side of Niger River. They were the original Read More

Tenth Sikh Guru – Guru Govind Singh Ji

Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Guru of the Sikhs, is an unparalleled hero not in the history of India but in the world history too. A brave man of firm convictions he stood for the secularism, democratic principles and pleaded for man’s rights. He lived and worked for the upliftment of poor, needy, and down-trodden people of our country irrespective of their caste, religion or sect. Apart from being a great virtuous and pious man, Guru Govind Singh Ji Maharaj Read More