Confronting Jealousy in Your Relationships

Jealousy and insecurity can wreak havoc on any kind of relationship. These toxic emotions create toxic relationships and can drain you of any chance of living a life you’ve always wanted. Your life may be full of people who are draining your energy due to an incurable case of jealousy. How you can tell if your partner has an extreme case of jealousy? These are a few ways to be tell if your partner has an extreme case of jealousy Read More

What’s Kindness?

What’s kindness? Kindness starts with a thought… You can act kindly only when you think positively. It’s an expression of your thought! You cannot fake it. It comes from the heart! The thought becomes your words. If you cannot speak kind words, better to be silent. Bhagavad Gita Ch 17, verse 15 emphasizes on austerity of speech. You can be kind to someone if you already have a preconceived positive notion about that person or a thing but your kindness Read More