Teen Braces – Glow in the Dark New Trend

Glow in the dark braces for kids It has become a fashion statement among kids to wear dental braces now. This new trend is magnet for teens and kids and it is not very expensive either. The demand for perfect straight teeth have kids in droves getting the braces now? It is not because that their teeth have some orthodontic problems, but because of the personal attraction they gain. Which kid does not like a feature of standing out among Read More

Patriotism In America, Past and Present

The word patriotism is a word that unfortunately is seldom used in this modern day and age. This word derived more two centuries ago in the early 1700’s when America was in it’s earliest stages. The Merriam/Webster Dictionary describes the word patriotism as a noun, and it meaning is stated in the dictionary as; love for or devotion to one’s country. A historical act of true patriotism was when Patrick Henry proclaimed his timeless cry “Give me liberty or give Read More