Read Oracle Dump Files From Your Applications

Have you ever needed to access data stored in Oracle dump file without having live instance of Oracle server? The problem is that binary format of Oracle data storage has no public specification and there is no way to extract data from such files except the standard Oracle IMP tool requiring connection to Oracle server. Intelligent Converters has investigated different formats of Oracle dumps and released set of tools to read it and to migrate data to the most popular Read More

The Effects Of Balance Of Trade Surplus And Deficit On A Country’s Economy

INTRODUCTION It is in no doubt that balance of trade which is sometimes symbolized as (NX) is described as the Difference between the monetary value of export and import of output in an economy over a certain period. It could also been seen as the relationship between the nation’s import and exports. When the balance has a positive indication, it is termed a trade surplus, i.e. if it consists of exporting more than is imported and a trade deficit or Read More