Textiles Exports: Post MFA Scenario Opportunities and Challenges

Introduction The Multi-Fiber Arrangement (MFA) has governed international trade in textiles and clothing since 1974. The MFA enabled developed nations, mainly the USA, European Union and Canada to restrict imports from developing countries through a system of quotas. The Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC) to abolish MFA quotas marked a significant turnaround in the global textile trade. The ATC mandated progressive phase out of import quotas established under MFA, and the integration of textiles and clothing into the multilateral Read More

What is Import-Export Business?

Import-export are important areas of business. When a person or a company buys goods like groceries, farm produce, textiles, machine parts or even crude oil from its own country and dispatches them to other countries for sale at a higher price, it is called export. When goods and raw material are brought from other countries to sell in one’s own country keeping a profit margin, it is called import. Both kinds of trade depend on the internal productions of a Read More