Export to China – 5 Easy Steps For International Marketing

Recent surveys in US, UK and Australia have shown a very interesting finding when comes to strategies in fighting off economic downturn – contrary to what most people have thought, cost cutting initiatives such ash reduction in outputs or staff retrenchment are actually not really on the top list. Right on the top of the list are price reduction to encourage more sales, adjust marketing costs, such as increasing spending on digital marketing instead of commercial TV broadcasting, but one Read More

The Importance of Export Documents in Trade

Trade overseas needs the support of export documents. Operations with foreign countries are made very complex, the sellers must explain what they are selling and the buyers must know what they are buying. For that reason, we use the following export documents: Some of export documents are used for commercial purposes like bills, notes and weight packing. There are also documents to guarantee the quality of what is being exported. Insurance documents certify what is covered by insurance. Bills of Read More