Trade, Jobs and Growth: Facts Before Folly

Trade. Our new President rails against it, unions denigrate it, and unemployed blame it. And not without reason. On trade, jobs and economic growth, the US has performed less than stellar. Let’s look at the data, but then drill down a bit to the nuances. Undirected bluster to reduce trade deficits and grow jobs will likely stumble on those nuances. Rather, an appreciation of economic intricacies must go hand-in-hand with bold action. So let’s dive in. The US Performance – Read More

Nigeria’s Agro Allied Industry: A Starting Point for Enterprise Revolution

In Western Africa, agriculture accounts for an estimated 40% of combined GDP and employs up to 70% of the available working population. Agricultural commodities are the second largest export from the region to the European Union, although most goods are traded without any local value addition. This represents a significant failure to produce high-value products that can enhance profitability in agro-operations and provide much-needed employment. Exports to newer markets are often held back by concerns over compliance with international production Read More