Top 10 Manufacturing Business Ideas in 2019

The Manufacturing Industry in India accounts for about 18% of total GDP employing 12% of India’s population directly. Among the humongous manufacturing sector, SME and MSME accounts to 90% of the totally industry activity and with new policies like The National Manufacturing Policy, the industry is looking to contribute more than 25% to GDP and employing over a 100 million workers. Some of the most profitable sectors among them are: Agrochemicals – India is ranked as the fourth highest producer Read More

Bringing South African Biltong Into the UK and EU

When the earliest Dutch and European settlers travelled to South Africa they took with them something special; the basic recipe for Biltong. The idea of curing and drying meat had been around for centuries, probably millennia, and was also found amongst existing residents. South Africa’s abundance of game made it an ideal place for European settlers to establish themselves, and the tradition of air-dry cured meat was the ideal way to make the most of this abundance. Biltong has evolved Read More