B2B Portals – The New Age Shopping Sites

A portal can be defined as the root destination for users that combines web links, features and services. At its beginning it was used as a generic word for popular search engines and internet access providers such as AOL, MSN and Yahoo but in recent days it has bought revolution in covering and converging business websites, where a corporate portal or enterprise information portal acts as a source for employees, customers, suppliers and other associates of a company to access Read More

So Exactly What Is The Difference Between 10 Meter Radio And CB Radio?

Over the past few years the line between traditional CB radio and 10 meter radio has become blurred. Phrases like ’10 meter CB radio’ and ‘export radio’ have irrevocably woven themselves into the vocabulary. Despite widespread use of both technologies many users have no idea what the real differences are. A traditional CB operates on the 11 meter band at about 27mhz. This gives it 40 channels ranging from 26.965mhz on channel 1 to 27.405mhz on channel 40. The distinctive Read More