Famous Acoustic Guitarists of the 20th Century

There is no denying that electric guitars have a certain sexy allure. After all, crowds of screaming teenage fans can’t be wrong, can they? Don’t answer that. At any rate, the appeal of the electric guitar is such that it sometimes threatens to completely eclipse its acoustic cousin. It’s understandable, since the glitz and the glamour associated with rock and roll’s electric guitar are usually noticeably lacking with the more traditional instrument. Fortunately for us all, it’s highly unlikely that Read More

Famous Yoga Teachers – Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo, a famous yoga teacher, propounded Integral (purna) yoga in the early 1900s. He described this as an essential means to free ourselves from ignorance and learn the supreme truth about the divine power which reveals itself in the universe. The fundamentals of this vital yoga fuse and complement the teachings of karma, jnana and bhakti yogas. It can even be looked as a combination of the methods adopted by the East and the West to attain spiritualism. Purna Read More