Famous Athlete’s Who Wore Goggles

Somewhere along the lines, it became uncool to wear rec specs (goggles) in sports. Sometime in the mid to late 1990’s people must have made an announcement that people who wore them were not with the hip crowd. Well I think that is complete mularkey. I mean, they chose that lifestyle. Wearing goggles is a lifestyle choice. This article pays tribute to the men who wore them proud and wore them night-in, night-out. 1. Eric Dickerson. This famous running back Read More

Success Secrets Of A Famous Vacuum Salesperson

I have to admit, I have an ‘addiction’. Sometimes this addiction keeps me up to 3 am, sometimes it causes me to work 7 days a week. Many times this addiction is healthy, but I will confess that sometimes it’s not. No, my addiction isn’t drugs or alcohol, it’s something much more powerful. “Mike, what is it?” I’m addicted to studying successful people in all areas of life and taking from them things that can help me and my business. Read More