Preventing Staged Car Accidents

Nobody leaves the house intending to get into a car accident – or so you think. Over the last few years, staged car accidents are becoming a big problem, especially in states where ‘no-fault’ insurance policies are the norm, of which New York is one. In ‘no-fault’ policies, the insured are allowed to collect from their own insurance company (as well as your own) regardless of whose fault the accident may have been, which can raise the cost of premiums Read More

Personal Injury Settlements – What Is Subrogation?

When you are injured in an accident by no fault of your own, you may be eligible to receive compensation for your medical bills and lost wages. Depending on the nature of the accident, payments may be made by either by your insurance company or that of the party at fault. If you end up filing a claim with your company to handle car repairs, you may not realize that the subrogation process can help you and your insurer recover Read More