Blushing Phobia – When Blushing Becomes a Fear

Blushing Phobia, or rather Erythrobia, is a very common and learned fear harbored by chronic blushers. An excessive blusher with blushing phobia should not confuse their fear with the original cause of blushing. Usually, the blushing problem arises because a person is dealing with unknown yet treatable health issues along with deeply rooted insecurities. It can seem like a cruel joke when the fear of blushing becomes another cause of blushing, turning into something as debilitating as a phobia that Read More

Siderophobia – The Fear of Stars

Of the many types of irrational phobias that exist out there, one of the most obscure ones is the fear of stars. This is also known as siderophobia. Although very rare and indeed quite peculiar, it is a very real problem for a small number of people. Phobias are irrational fears of any sort of thing. There are so many different types but some are much more common than others. It is impossible to list them all here, since there Read More