Top Quality Freelance Writers in India

It is an absolute misconception that freelance writers in India are not of good quality. Unfortunately, such a wrongful perception has largely come about because most online freelance sites do not adequately whet aspirant writers coming onto these platforms. As a result, such “wannabe” writers land up by the droves, especially from India, given the country’s large overall population – a significant proportion of which is comfortable with the English language. Once online freelance sites put strong filters or “barriers Read More

Kava: Not Just for Pacific Islanders

A Vanuatu myth tells the story of a young man, after the untimely death of his sister, who sees strange plant growing from her grave. After seeing a rat gnaw the plant stock and die, the man, in his grief, decides to eat the plant himself hoping for the same result. He is instead contented and forgets his sadness. A Samoan myth relays the story of the god, Tagaloa, who brings a kava plant to earth on one of his Read More