Tiki Masks – What They Mean to Polynesian and American Culture

Tiki Masks are hand carved wood, however once carved the wood takes on the spirit or god, the Tiki Mask then is transferred into a personification of Polynesian power and knowledge. Unlike African and other cultures that worshiped deities, the mask was not worn, but instead displayed and was always present. The word Tiki is sometimes thought of a faux culture. The examples are the Enchanted Tiki Room at Disneyland, Pirates of the Caribbean, Tiki Bars, tropical drinks and other Read More

Top 10 Travel Destinations for Indians

Summer is here, sunshine is here. Holidays are just round the corner and time has come to pack your bags and head overseas. This time you can travel to your heart’s content as travel gets cheaper and there are numerous options to explore. Colombo Colombo is easily one of the most frequented places for Indians. A few hours away by flight, dense Colombo forests and stunning museums are going to leave you spell bound. A Must: Watch out for some Read More