Market Your Football Program

Building a quality football program is like building a business or like building a house. Before constructing the home, you must have a solid foundation. When building your football program, your program’s foundation begins with the community. Great community support will help see your program through its ups and downs. 1) Get involved in your community Get involved in things unrelated to football. Before you can ask for the community’s support, people need to know who you are and what Read More

Picking a 2010 Fantasy Football Magazine

For many of us the arriving of Fantasy Football season is the closest thing we get to the feeling we got as a kid around Christmas time. For me it hits the first time I see a Fantasy Football magazine on a grocery store shelf. In this day and age most of the info contained in the magazines is available online at numerous fantasy football sites. Yet, there is still something tactile and wonderful about a fantasy football magazine. It Read More