Do Venture Capital Firms Have Too Much Political Clout?

There are quite a few entrepreneurs who write business plans and come up with great new inventions and innovations and are dead set on finding a venture capitalist to fund them. Other entrepreneurs who have been down that path, or perhaps have looked at it closely don’t have any intention on giving up such a large percentage of the company from the get-go to the VCs, they don’t find the deal to be a good one, or in their favor. Read More

Philanthropic Efforts Fueled By Crowdfunding

The concept of crowdsourcing has grown by tremendous proportions over the last couple of years. People are pitching various causes, from personal to philanthropic, for anyone in the general public to support. Innovations What started as a concept for funding innovations and creative exploits have been transformed to include generating money for community projects and the like. These days, many cause-oriented groups and individuals are generating tons of money from this type of fund sourcing method. Primarily with the use Read More