Alternative Options to Venture Capital For Raising Growth Capital

Venture Capital is a specific term that refers to funding obtained from a venture capitalist. These are professional serial investors and may be individuals or part of a firm. Often venture capitalists have a niche based on business type and or size and or stage of growth. They are likely to see a lot of proposals in front of them (sometimes hundreds a month), be interested in a few, and invest in even fewer. Around 1-3% of all deals put Read More

Mortgage Choices: Broker, Banker, Seller

Since, most people, use some sort of financing, primarily a mortgage, for a significant portion of their funding, for a house – purchase, doesn’t it make sense, for them, to know, in advance, their options and alternatives, and potential sources, for doing so? While there are many types of mortgages, which are generally, classified, as either conventional ones, or adjustable, there are, also, many options, as to where, one might secure, the needed and necessary funding. The major options, are, Read More