Gambling Online

Internet gambling or gambling online has gained much of its popularity in the last ten to twelve years tentatively. In 1994, a Caribbean nation was the first to apply for an online casino. Microgaming and CrytoLogic are the two pioneer figures who mark the commencement of gambling online and ensuring security which consequently enabled safe financial transaction on the online casino front. By 1997 to 1998 the online gambling has already gained a momentum and was growing in an outstanding Read More

Gambling Addiction and Loneliness

Having a gambling problem is a very lonely disease. Many people gamble as an escape from loneliness. He or she may think that by gambling, they could get away from the painful feelings of loneliness. This is far from the truth. When an individual gambles, they start to create their own loneliness. The person with the gambling disorder may not realize that the gambling is contributing.. or may be the sole source of the loneliness. The problem with compulsive gambling, Read More