Soccer Gambling

If you like betting on sports then you know that soccer gambling can be exciting, but is also one of the most challenging sports to bet on. The games are often low scoring and there are many factors that can potentially affect the outcome of a soccer game. In order to do your soccer gambling successfully you want to have reliable information about all of these factors. It’s not enough to just know the betting odds and betting lines on Read More

Addicted to Gambling

We addictionists divide addiction into substance addictions (alcohol and other mind altering drugs, food, even cigarettes) and process addictions (shopping, gambling, exercise, work, and sex). In and of themselves, none of these substances or processes is “bad”. The problem is the addict and what the addict does with the substance or process. The way an addict is affected by anything potentially mind altering is always different from the way a non-addict is affected. The problem is the addict, not the Read More