Online Gaming – 10 Tips On How To Keep Your Clan Active

Causes of inactiveness “Know your enemy” as an old saying goes. If you want to use the right tool to counter inactiveness, you will first have to find out what causes the inactiveness and in which area. An example: if your clan members barely visit your clan website and forums, countering this with organising an internal ladder is not the best option: they won’t read the announcement for it. Better it would be to contact a few randomly selected members Read More

Hardcore Gamer Battles Hemorrhoids and Video Games

The other day I was told about a hardcore gamer that battles video games and beat a hemorrhoid in real life. It’s a buddy’s son who goes to college. He has been a serious hardcore gamer since he was going to high school. The video games he plays the most are MAG, Dark Void, and Dante’s Inferno. Being a gamer had never been an issue in the past, outside of him not keeping up what he was supposed to do Read More