How to Become Good at RPG Games

Role playing games have never been more popular. Big titles of the genre includes Final Fantasy, Oblivion, Star Ocean and Mass Effect, games you’ve heard of unless you’ve lived under a rock for the last decade. In which case I’m so sorry and congratulations for finding this article. I don’t know how you managed to read this today but I love serving you with the following knowledge. Knowledge on how to succeed in role playing games, or in short, RPGs. Read More

Ten Ways to Find Alpha and Beta Games to Test

There are many different ways to find an alpha, beta or early access games. Let me share with you the ways that have worked for me: 1) Social media – You can find games by looking on Twitter, Facebook, Tumbler and Pinterest. You will perform a search by typing in alpha games, beta games or new releases. If you are on these platforms, your friends may also be talking about these games. Go and see what their conversations are about Read More