Pokemon Crater, A Great Onlne Game!

One of the most loved video games on this planet would be Pokemon. The game has remained just as well-liked today as when it first appeared in the nineties. This game has been made in so many different versions such as gold, silver, platinum,green, red and yellow. In the game, Pokemon trainers (that is what gamers are known as) can play with Pokemon in all kinds of ways. These games are available on all kinds of Nintendo machines like gameboys, Read More

Bruce Maguire Versus Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG)

A summary of the seminal case relating to Inaccessible Websites and Disability Discrimination Legislation In June 1999 Bruce Maguire lodged a complaint with the Human Rights & Equal Opportunities Commission under the Australian Disability Discrimination Act. His complaint was that he was being discriminated against because he could not access the contents of the Olympic Games website. As a highly skilled user of a refreshable Braille display he was used to being able to access the content of web pages, Read More