Novel Writing Techniques – On The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby is a true Great American novel. What is even more amazing is that F. Scott Fitzgerald did it in little more than a short story. How did he do it? Essentially, he wrote a Great American Story. Fitzgerald was able to create what may be the fundamental story structure of 20th Century America and weave together a number of characters that each express a different take on the problem that the structure exposes. Let’s begin with the Read More

The Drop – Movie Review of Gritty Thriller

Tom Hardy stars as a lonely bartender in The Drop, which begins as a gritty crime drama surrounding illegal activities where he works, but becomes more mysterious through plot twists and character development. Thrilling and surprising with spiritual undertones amid the violence, this film presents one of James Gandolfini’s final performances, as “Cousin Marv,” the desperate former owner of the bar. Trying to maintain a low-profile as the bar funnels money drops for local gangsters, yet still maintain his loyalty Read More