Movies Miami Style: Films Set in the Magic City

Miami might not be like Los Angeles or New York, cities where movies are continuously being shot around every corner. But, Miami has certainly had its fair share of filming. Maybe it was chosen because of the movie’s plot and maybe it was chosen because of its location (it hard to shoot a beach scene in Nebraska). Whatever the reason, Miami’s presence in the cinema has left other Florida cities to approach, and shyly ask for an autograph. The following Read More

Do X-Rated Foreplay (Enjoy Variety in Sex)

Use the phenomenal power of anticipation in order to do x-rated foreplay with your woman. X-Rated foreplay is all about teasing each part of her body with extreme sexual anticipation. Using the power of anticipation requires unpredictability and excitement. When you keep the excitement alive with unpredictable variety in sex, she is much more connected to you and verbalizes her feelings through her body. Many guys begin to drool suddenly when they feel intimate with their partners. They do not Read More