Let The Next Boston Band Rock Your World!

The Next Boston Band is an entertaining and fascinating eBook by the talented author, Michael Fertik. It is about Greater Boston's top indie promoter, Mekhi Bessel, who is a likable rogue who is not above using trickery and cajoling to create concerts and events out of nothing. In Fertik's book, Bessel finds himself on the wrong side of thugs called the Tygers brothers, who, as Fertik puts it, "cooked all the nightlife in Boston." That is right as there is Read More

Shootout At Lokhandwala – Watchable? Maybe Once

We review only select movies in these columns. We reviewed 300 and left out run of the mill pictures like Ta Ra Rum Pum despite their high profile star casts. A movie has to be worthy of your attention and time. It is sad that the majority of the flicks that have hit the screens in the last month or two do not fit the bill. So what makes Shootout at Lokhandwala stand out? Primarily, three points: The movie is Read More