Books What (Sic) I Read in 2014: 15 – ‘The Accidental Apprentice’

I first heard ‘Q&A’ by Vikas Swarup as a serialized book on BBC Radio 4, and was immediately hooked. That story, of course, was made into the very successful film ‘Slumdog Millionaire’, directed by Danny Boyle, and tells of the transformation of the lives of young Indian slum dwellers through a series of adventures told as flashbacks during a game on Indian TV’s version of ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire’. Having really enjoyed Swarup’s style – colourful, episodic narrative Read More

"For Crying Out Loud!" What is the Origin of This Strange Expression?

What’s going on with the expression: “For crying out loud?” Have you ever thought about that? I mean, what the heck does that expression mean anyway? Where did it originate from? Expressions like “Hot dog!” or “Man alive!” make sense to me. Hot dog implies that you’re excited about something- About as excited as you’d be if someone gave you a free hot dog. “Man alive” means your surprised about something; it was likely coined by mountain climbers when they Read More