Famous Supernatural Events in 19th Century America

Supernatural or paranormal events have long been a newsworthy topic, attracting the attention of believers and skeptics alike. It seems that when anything seemingly unexplainable happens, especially when mysterious circumstances like ghosts are involved, it isn’t long before neighbors start talking, newspaper articles begin popping up, and soon enough the story has become something of a legend. Over the years, these stories become more and more embellished, and they are soon part of a community’s lore. There are numerous fantastic Read More

Prayers for Open Doors, and Open Heaven

Aggressively pray the doors of heaven open for divine favors, prosperity, peace, health, business success and good relationships. Pray the flood gates of heaven open and experience open doors and divine victories. As it rains, the land will yield her increase for your turnaround, break open, breakout and breakthrough. Declare these anointed prayer points when heaven seem to be brass and the land of productivity is iron. God is not a God of failure. The Lord causes us always to Read More