Proud to Be a Girl Scout Dad

Every year during the time when my daughters are selling Girl Scout Cookies, I am often asked by my conservative friends, fellow father’s righters (by the way I am really a shared custody guy) and once, just some random guy in a store, how I could support the Girl Scouts. My social media feeds and the click-bait articles that permeate my news streams also choose this time of year to denigrate the organization for supposed ties to Planned Parenthood and Read More

How to Talk to a Girl – Three Rules for Making a Girl Laugh

There are a lot of rule for making a girl laugh in how to talk to a girl, these are the most important ones. They are going to give you the best practices to use to make any woman smile and laugh when she interacts with you. Making a girl laugh is such an important task when you are dating. Laughter is after all the best aphrodisiac for women. You can’t imagine how girls want guys to make them laugh, Read More