How to Get a Girl’s Attention – The Peacock Theory Exposed

In order to get a girls attention you need to stand out from the mass. People judge by the looks and you have only seconds to demonstrate that you are a man of style. So, first and foremost you have to look at the way you dress: Is your dress boring or is it interesting and unique? Of course, it doesn’t make sense to dress like a gigolo, because you have to feel comfortable in your clothes. It’s quite helpful Read More

3 Reasons To Become A Promo Girl

Anybody who has ever been to a trade event or promotional show will be aware of the role of a promo girl. These girls always look very attractive, and do their job of enticing men to a particular product very well. The job is a popular one, and anybody who is thinking of doing it should know the three best reasons to become a promotion girl. The Events Promo girls will typically find themselves working at large scale events. This Read More