How to Spread God’s Word and Why

How to spread God’s word is a question that can be difficult sometimes if we don’t have the true understanding of how we as Christians should go about it. Keep in mind what Paul said, “I will not …speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me.” Paul didn’t place glory in what Christ had done for him, but in what Christ was doing through him. Now did you get the understanding of that? Matthew 17:2-3 tells the story Read More

Sinclair Lewis’ The God Seeker Is Even More Relevant Today Than His It Can’t Happen Here

Columnist Alice B. Lloyd, writing for The Weekly Standard, recently published an article about the revived popularity of the novel It Can’t Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis. That 1944 book about the fictional election of a President who comes to rule the United States as a dictator has been a best seller since Donald Trump took office. Instead of praising the importance of that book, in her column Lloyd reveals that she described It Can’t Happen Here as one of Read More