God Is Inviting You to the Secret Place

“He shall call on Me, and I will answer Him; I will be with Him in trouble; I will deliver Him, and honor Him. With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation.” (Psalm 91:15-16 MKJV). Introduction God has invited you to come to the secret place to spend time with Him. Time spent with Him in prayer or fellowship is worth it. Prayer releases transforming power. This lesson is mainly directed to you as an individual Read More

David Pack & the Restored Church of God

I’m aware of David Pack, Pastor General of the Restored Church of God. I also remember clearly how he didn’t even know me when he was with the Global Church of God (that I visited once) but said most people who change their names are off-the-wall (something to that effect) and felt I should take my former name of David Hoover back and should seriously consider it as he contacted his superiors (they must have told him to back off Read More