God and the Gays – Once Gay, Always Gay? (Part 3)

If we accept the Bible as the literal Word of God, and believe that God says what He means and means what He says, then we can’t escape the fact that God expressly forbids any premarital or extramarital sex. The Bible doesn’t fool around, it gets straight to the point. The Hebrew God isn’t shy. He’s also not ashamed of the anatomy He’s equipped humans with. He pulls no punches and doesn’t allow anyone to pervert His plans. Within the Read More

You Haven’t Got the Sense God Gave a Goose – Or Have You?

“You haven’t got the sense God gave a Goose!” Nearly every time I made a mistake growing up, that’s what I heard. So, I started watching geese. I soon realized two things; I LOVE watching GEESE and geese aren’t stupid! I’ve spent many hours watching geese, and I’ve read a great deal about why they do what they do. As a Pastor and Army Chaplain I’ve learned some valuable “Goose Sense” lessons. I want to share some lessons and how Read More