How To Be A Doer And Practice The Word Of God

Open your Bible to James 1:22 it says… But be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. Go ahead and highlight that scripture. Does Jesus know you? Do you truly belong to Him? Will you listen and obey Him? Are you a Christ-follower? You see, God makes Himself known in your spirit with the intention of drawing you into a relationship with Himself through His Word. God has to have people who will both hear and do Read More

Ode To God

I am committed to be happily married with the woman of my dreams to create a lifelong marriage and family that will last forever. I am visualizing that my wife and I will be defining America The Beautiful and realizing the dreams of all our fellow Americans and the rest of the world. We are committed to fulfill on The American Dream founded by The Founding Fathers on July 4th, 1776. I am an innocent child with your guidance with Read More