To What Extent Are Humans in the Image of God?

The very first two humans were made in the image of God. But what does that really mean? Made in the “image of God” simply means that people are spiritually like Yahweh God Almighty to some extent. He has given humans some of the spiritual aspects He has: the ability to think and reason, an innate knowledge of right and wrong, a conscience, a full spectrum of emotions, and the need for spiritual things in order to be truly happy. Read More

Coronavirus and Getting to Know God – Psalm 46-10

We will translate psalm 46-10 “be still and know that I am God” more comprehensively toward the end of this article. It will explain just how important this particular psalm is for humans at this unprecedented time. But, for now, by way of adding context, let us discern upon how wildlife carries out its corresponding duties for their survival, and how humans, as the superior beings, compare. The birds, bees and the fish Have you ever observed a flock of Read More