How To Behave Like A Christian O Child Of God!

Are you a believing Christian by word of mouth or by your fruits? Or are you a Christian just because you go to church? Christ stated clearly that you will know them by their fruits. Therefore, if you are a believing Christian, you’re to behave like one. This post tells you how to behave like a Christian O child of God. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, Read More

Scruton, Roger: The Face of God – Review

n the book The Face of God, Roger Scruton discusses the atheistic world-view that has been gaining ground in Western culture. The atheist says that the laws of nature determine everything that is real, including human thought and action. Consequently, because of scientific theory, there can be no supernatural explanation for existence. Nothing science can discover could count as a plan or a goal for the universe. Those looking for a deeper meaning to life might wonder what is logically Read More