Deus Ex Machina – Consciousness, The God In The Machine

What is Deus Ex Machina? The original meaning of Deus Ex Machina is the god in the machine, or god from the machine. It refers to the machine, or crane, that was used to lower an actor depicting a god onto the stage in a Greek drama. Frequently the god would appear suddenly and provide a resolution to the dramatic crises that were the subject of the play, although not always… Deus Ex Machina as Divine Intervention Over the time, Read More

God Demonstrated His Love For Man Through The Death of His Son

In order to appreciate another person’s love for you, it is important to know who the person is, and what value they bring to your life. If they bring no value to your life, their love really will make no difference, one way or the other. Therefore, in order to appreciate God’s love for you, you’ll need to know who He is, why He loves you, and how that love can impact your life. So who is God? God is Read More