God Expects You To Be Devoted To Prayer

Open your Bible to Acts 6:4 it says… But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word. Go ahead and highlight that scripture. Prayer does some wonderful things in your life. You can go to God in the name of Jesus, often not only for your needs, but also for the needs of others. Prayer directs God to working in your life. You must continue to seek God’s face repeatedly, regularly, and without hesitation. A Read More

It’s Time to Re-Build: Restructured God’s Way</Strong>

It’s Time to Re-Build: Restructured God’s Way – Apostle John W Rhodes Motto Text: Luke 4:1-4 I. 1st Test: Your Belly, Authority, Power A. If you are the Son of God command the stone to become bread. But Jesus answered saying, it is written man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. 1. So while Jesus was hungry, during the time of fasting, the enemy tempted him with a “counterfeit satisfaction”. We too will be Read More