Understanding God

I believe that I can hold conversations with God. In my dreams, he hears my prayers. His sweet words, they answer my questions. I asked God why he allowed terrible things like natural disasters to kill so many innocent people? He answered me as follows. “Because you do not understand, I forgive you.” I do not understand dear God, Please forgive me. God answered, “I know you do not understand. I see your fears. I know your prayers. I am Read More

Wrestling With God

I am a fan of wrestling. Before I used to find such combat sports very violent and irritating, but I later found out that there are certain qualities these wrestlers exhibit that we Christians and everybody that wants to be successful need. And they are; Staying focused and alert, self-confidence, hopeful, courageous, persistence, resistance and tactical. Like John Cena will always say, “Never Give Up!” And the current Universal Champion and my favourite, the Big Dog Roman Reigns tells you Read More