IN SEARCH OF GOD: The God of Spirituality

The questions about God have occupied our minds for centuries in one form or another. What is God? Does He really exist? Why do we search for God? Do religions really believe in the same God? Why are there religious wars? Such questions have been asked over and over again by humanity as such and by individual beings at different stages of their lives. The mythology of God has created its own history. Human society changed from hunter gatherers to Read More

Why You Must Increase Your Expectation On The Word Of God

What do you expect from the word of God? Your expectation is a function of what you know and understand of God’s word. And the word of God delivers to you what you expect from it; for your expectation shall not be cut off. Therefore, increase your expectation of the word of God to increase what it delivers to you. For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off – Proverbs 23:18 (KJV). My son, Read More