The Enemy Cannot Gainsay Nor Resist The Amazing God With Your Mouth

Are you aware of the power that lies in your mouth? Some people understand and believe in this power of the tongue and are utilizing it well. On the other hand, some other people are victims of the words of their tongue. And the amazing thing is that the enemy cannot gainsay nor resist the words of certain people. For I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist Read More

Cancer and Faith in God

For millions of people around the globe, cancer is seen as devastating, both physically and psychologically. Because of the extensive prevalence of the disease worldwide and the uncertainty and severe unpleasantness of the most common treatments it has more than deserved the epithet, “dread disease”. Many people can identify with the disease, either as a direct sufferer or knowing of a family member, relative, colleague or other acquaintance who went through the experience. Cancer absolutely does not prescribe to any Read More