Philadelphia Church of God Leads Laodicean Era (Conclusion)

continued… What’s BEWILDERING to me is the different responses I’ve received from several of God’s ministers who have read Beyond Babylon – towards it and me – before and after Dennis Leap’s PARTIAL review! (Malachi 2:9). When I faithfully sent a computer disk with my book on it to minister Wayne Turgeon, he graciously read all of it and responded: “Oh, how I admire those with both the ability to write as well as the courage to put down their Read More

Meet God’s Special Angels

Every religion that believes in one God has its own version of angel history, dealing with its organization, hierarchy and duties. Although guardian angels and archangels seem to be related more to Christianity, it was not the Christians who formed the notion of angels. They adopted much of their angel basics from other religions, particularly Judaism. Although the various types of angels are given somewhat different names and duties, all the major religions agree on one thing – these special Read More