The Eyes Of God Roams The Earth Seeking Whom He Can Bless

Another word for loyal is faithful so for us to be faithful it would require only two things; believe what He said and be obedient to it, that is all that it would take for us to be loyal. Jesus was completely loyal to God. He said in John 14:24 He who does not love Me does not keep My words and the word which you hear is not mine but the Father’s who sent Me. Again He said in Read More

Na Akua Hawaii – Hawaiian Gods

Hawaiians are a deeply spiritual people. Their inspiration and mana (spiritual power, energy, and life force) come from the powerful forces of their natural world. This world was immense. It stretched beyond the eight main Hawaiian Islands and encompassed Kahiki, Aotearoa, Te Pito o te Henua and everything in-between. It spanned the breadth of earth’s largest ocean and included a sea of stars in an endless night sky. Based on the enormity of their world, it is no wonder why Read More